Inspired to do good. 

At Diverse Works, we're telling stories from incredible people--artists, community leaders, entrepreneurs and more who have made a difference for the good of diversity, inclusion and equity.

Jennifer Baumgardner, Dottir Press

Publisher, author, playwright, filmmaker, activist

"When I think about what I do, which is write and speak and publish books about feminism, and make documentaries, it's in part because it would be harder not to." 

Jonathan Paul Jackson, Visual Artist

Discovering community on a personal journey of truth

"My work is so much about other people’s story what they can create in their imagination by what I have given them to look at.

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Do good works.

Want to be a part of the solution? Send in your writing, art, interviews, recordings, film that promote good works in diversity, equity and inclusion.

Diverse Works is a platform for young people to get inspired and get involved, loving others and accepting others for who they are.

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